Raw Functions

The KleverChain SDK provides an easy way to interact with the blockchain by introducing a TypeScript interface to the webassembly(wasm) underlying functions, this functions, however, are still acessible via the global object interface, inside the kleverWeb object.

Ex for using in the browser:

window.kleverWeb.sendTransaction(transactionType, payload, props)

Ex for using in Node.js:

globalThis.kleverWeb.sendTransaction(transactionType, payload, props)

Note that as you are calling raw wasm functions, there will be no type interface unless you enforce it in your own code.

Wasm Functions

All the following functions that can be called this way:

  • getAccount(address)

  • createAccount()

  • getAddressFromPrivateKey(privateKey)

  • generateMnemonic()

  • parsePemFileData(pemString)

  • decodePEM(cipheredPem, password)

  • signMessage(JSON.stringify({message, privatekey}))

  • verifySignature(JSON.stringify({message, signature, publicKey}))

  • setApiUrl(newApiUrl)

  • setNodeUrl(newNodeUrl)

  • signTx(JSON.stringify({ rawTx, privateKey }))

  • broadcast(JSON.stringify(signedTx))

All the functions above return a promise, so be sure to use "await" or other promise treatment.

Raw Transaction Broadcast Flow

This is automatically managed by the extension, but if you choose to use the raw functions, please note that there are some underlying steps.

The base flow is sendTransaction -> signTx -> broadcast.

"Send" in this case means converting the payload in a object that can be read by the blockchain, which we will call "raw TX"

Example flow:

const rawTx = await globalThis.kleverWeb.sendTransaction(
 const { signature } = await globalThis.kleverWeb.signTx(JSON.stringify({

const signedTx = { ...rawTx,
    Signature: signature
const broadcastResponse = await globalThis.kleverWeb.broadcast(JSON.stringify(signedTx))


sendTransaction payload and props


The payload is a stringified object that will always need a sender and nonce properties, and additional ones depending on the contract type.


const payload = JSON.stringify({

const rawTx = await globalThis.kleverWeb.sendTransaction(0,payload)
// The first argument can be either 0, "0" or "TransferContractType"



The props is a stringified object that is optional, it has two independent properties: metadata and previousTX.

Metadata can be any string that will be stored in the transaction when it is in the blockchain, notably used when storing metadata in a NFT through the update metadata asset trigger. If you store metadata in a transaction, be sure to store it's hash.

Storing data in a TX will increase the bandwidth fee


const props = JSON.stringify({
    metadata: "this string will be stored in the blockchain upon broadcast"

const rawTx = await globalThis.kleverWeb.sendTransaction(0,payload, props)


PreviousTX is a way of chaining transactions, so you can create a multi-contract transaction.

Multi-contract flow: sendTransaction -> ... -> sendTransaction -> signTx -> broadcast


const singleContractTx = await globalThis.kleverWeb.sendTransaction(0,payload)

const props = JSON.stringify({
    previousTX: singleContractTx[0],

const multiContractTx = await globalThis.kleverWeb.sendTransaction(2,payload2,props)


If you want to chain contracts with metadata, use both props, each metadata will be assigned to the respective contract, they are related by the data array index.

Last updated