Offline Build/Sign Transaction

If you need to build the transaction by hand, we provide methods for you to do it offline as follows:

import { Transaction, Contracts, TXContract_ContractType, utils } from "@klever/sdk-node";
  // text encoder UTF-8
  const enc = new TextEncoder();

  const privateKey = "001122..."; // sender`s private key 32 bytes hex format
  // decode addresses sender/receiver
  const senderDecoded = await utils.decodeAddress("klv1vq9f7xtazuk9y3n46ukthgf2l30ev2s0qxvs6dfp4f2e76sfu3xshpmjsr");
  const receiverDecoded = await utils.decodeAddress("klv1fpwjz234gy8aaae3gx0e8q9f52vymzzn3z5q0s5h60pvktzx0n0qwvtux5");
  const accountNonce = 100

  // create transfer contract
  const transfer = Contracts.TransferContract.fromPartial({
      ToAddress: receiverDecoded,
      AssetID: enc.encode("KLV"),
      Amount: 100 * 10 ** 6, // Must be in units (check asset precision) -> 100 KLV = 100 * 10^6 
  // create base transaction
  const tx  = new Transaction({
      Sender: senderDecoded,
      Nonce: accountNonce,
      BandwidthFee: 1000000,
      KAppFee: 500000,
      Version: 1,
      ChainID: enc.encode("100420")
  // add contract to transaction
  tx.addContract(TXContract_ContractType.TransferContractType, transfer);

  // signature transaction
  await tx.sign(privateKey);

  console.log("Transaction Info", {
      "Wired Proto": tx.hex(),
      "To Broadcast Format": tx.toBroadcast(),
      "Json Format": tx.toJSON(), 

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